Linda Ljucovic

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Proactively Deal with Stress

Stress is part of all of our lives in modern day society.  We drive further to work, fight more traffic, wear more 'hats', are interrupted more often, and we try to do everything faster and better than before.  Can all of this be good?  It's not that simple.  (watch this interesting Ted's Talk here) by Kelly McGonigal to learn about how stress can be good!) It can help us run faster, perform better, and be more productive...but when it gets to be too much to handle and is prolonged, it could start to have a negative impact on our lives.  It can interfere with our happiness, job, family, friendships and more importantly, our health!

So let me ask you...Are you having more bad days than good days?  Are you relying more heavily on stimulants to get you through your day? Has your Naturopath, Doctor or friends suggested that you may be stressed?

Many would take this negatively and defensively - a jab at our resiliency, a sign that we are making this up.  The thing is, they aren't saying that it is in your head and that you should just tough it up and move on.  (well some are)  They are trying to say that prolonged stress weakens your adrenal glads so all the yoga in the world is not going to fix the problem.  (more on that here).  And yes, we agree its not just in your head...we know its causing physical symptoms and impacting your health!  So when someone tells you that you might be stressed, don't get defensive, take action!

Others are taking stress more seriously!  Read on to learn about 1 example...

The Research is there.

Vanderbilt Hospital has been diffusing doTERRA Essential Oils in their ER department, and they found it helped the doctor's, nurses and patient's feelings of stress in an exciting way!

Health practitioners at the hospital were initially skeptical about using aromatherapy, but here's the surveyed results of what they said after using the oils:

  • Before the hospital started using the oils:

    • 41% of the staff said they were stressed at work. However, after using them, only 3% percent felt stressed.

    • 60% of the staff said they were frustrated at work, and after implementing the aromatherapy, only 6% felt frustrated.

    • As a whole, 84% of the staff agreed that using the essential oils helped to create a more positive work environment.

That's pretty incredible!  Watch the Video here.

What I love about essential oils is that you can proactively prevent the negative symptoms of stress from taking hold.  You can use them to reduce stress, feelings of sadness, worry, grief and anxious feelings.

And I mean only therapeutic grade oils...not the ones off the store shelf which are not regulated.  You need quality to notice a difference.

It is important to address stress sooner rather than later, especially if you are feeling any of the symptoms noted in the picture.

Read on for 10 ways to use Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils to address stress and to prevent the damaging effects on your body:

  1. Diffuse 3 drops each of Balance, Serenity, Lavender, Bergamot or Wild Orange or an incredible new blend called Adaptiv. (or any combination)

  2. Place 1 drop of Lavender, Serenity or Vetiver on your pillow or rub 2 drops onto the bottoms of your feet before going to sleep.

  3. Diffuse Balance at the end of the day or simply rub on your shoulders and neck, and then place your hands over your nose and take 3 deep breaths.

  4. Place 2 drops of Lemon in a glass, fill with water, and drink. This helps to reduce overall stress and also helps to's a 2 for 1. :)

  5. Place 5 drops of Lavender in a warm bath, add 2 cups of Epsom Salts, and soak for 20 minutes.

  6. Rub Basil and Rosemary diluted in fractionated coconut oil into the adrenals on your back. (above kidneys)

  7. Rub 2 drops of Deep Blue on your neck and shoulders at the end of a long, stressful day.

  8. For Emotional Stress - Rub 1 drop each of Elevation Blend and Clary Calm Blend on your neck and shoulders.

  9. For Mental Stress - Diffuse 3 drops each of Grapefruit and Bergamot. This is great to use in the office at work!

  10. For Physical Stress - Rub 1 drop each of Serenity and Lavender on your feet or neck.

  11. Sorry..I couldn't 'not share' this one...try any of the mood oils available in the Emotional Aromatherapy Kit or the Emotional Touch Kit or get yourself on this Mental Wellness Protocol!

Stress can impact so many areas of your life negatively - so take ownership for your own health today!  You matter!

If this sounds like something you'd like to try, here's what I suggest:

A Wholesale membership is what I chose and is the smartest way to buy.

It's exactly like a Costco membership. You pay an annual fee of $42 (Canadian), and then you can buy at wholesale prices which are 25% off...for the entire year. After your initial purchase, there's no minimum monthly order requirement (Ever!).  But if you want to earn free product, they have an amazing rewards program called the Loyalty Rewards Program where you earn up to 30% for every dollar spent! If you are looking to shift into a more natural way of living, this option is for you!

With your wholesale membership, you get access to some amazing free resources:

  • a free e-book filled with amazing all natural recipe's for your body, home and mind.

  • if on LRP you get to participate for free in many health programs.

  • ongoing webinars and live facebook classes to continue your learning

Click here to get these amazing oils into your home! Then, click "Join and Save" and then the green "Join doTERRA" button at the bottom and follow the remaining steps.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!  Or, if you'd like to have me teach a class either in your home or via on-line webinar so you can attend in your PJs, please e-mail

In good health, Linda, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Oakville