Hey there!
I’m Linda, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist Practitioner, OD Consultant and co-founder of Balance Point Health.
I help busy women over 40 address their hormone imbalances naturally, so that they feel more confident and inspired about their life.
I believe that when you feel well, you can offer the world more.
I also believe that using a natural approach is the best way to start when it comes to balancing hormones or finding answers to chronic health issues.
Our increasingly toxic world means that we have to take a more preventative approach if we want to be active and healthy in our later years.
Addressing symptoms with a ‘bandaid’ approach with synthetic pharmaceuticals, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, processed food, or the latest diet leaves you feeling empty and can create even more imbalance. I also believe that going inside and examining your beliefs first is necessary for lasting change.
If I told you that you could absolutely change the way you felt with some simple tweaks, would you make them?
The 3 Mistakes Women Make
Everyone has a story
So it seems that every expert out there has a story. A catalyst that propelled them to go vegan, or eat paleo, or quit their job and go trekking in Peru.
I’m no different.
And I’m sure you have a story too. Something that may be currently holding you back.
Also know that I will have your back and understand that when faced with what seems to be a life crisis you will come out stronger on the other side.
Trust me.
My struggles taught me that health is the basis of life. Not just physical health or weight, but connecting the outer shell with the inner core. There is so much to each of us, we are a product of our genetics, our experiences, our lifestyles, the food we eat, what we put on our skin, the things we inhale, the way we think.
Looking at everything is important.
This led to my passion to help others by sharing my knowledge and to starting my wellness business.
I’ll start from the beginning so that you understand my passion and why I have made this my business and life’s work.
It’s ‘normal’
Isn’t bloating after eating, PMS, low energy after having kids, anxiety, low libido when in 40s, digestive upset, and hot flashes all a part of being a woman?
I did’t really believe that hormones were the cause of all of my symptoms back then.
I’ll let you in to a secret I’ve learned.
Hormones (and your metabolic health) guide everything!
And the cool thing is…that you have control over your improving your metabolic health.
I was told I would never get pregnant two times. Once when I was 18 (impressionable age) and the next time was when I was 33 (married late and desperate to start a family).
Imagine if I allowed those Doctor’s opinions to guide my decisions?
You may have noticed in my pictures that I have 2 healthy boys now because I chose not to believe that things were that simple.
Being stubborn and persistent allowed me to find answers and balance my hormones.
My ‘Filtered’ Story (the boring stuff)
A registered Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Essential Oils Educator, Alternative Health and Wellness Clinic co-owner, Learning and Development Consultant, Essential Oils Enthusiast, Gluten-free Baker extraordinaire and Mother of two are some of the ‘hats’ I wear today.
I’ve always been interested in learning and development and self improvement as you’ll see demonstrated in my career path.
After achieving a Labour Studies Degree at McMaster University, I found myself drawn to the area of performance improvement and understanding what drives people to do the things they do, so I went on to study Human Resource Management at Humber College while working a full time job in the Naval Reserves as a Petty Officer of the pay department.
In my mid twenties I left the public sector and worked for a Pharma Company and then into the technology industry as a Learning and Development Consultant where I developed leadership programs and custom team interventions teaching everything from Leadership skills to Personal Productivity skills to the DiSC Communication Styles Model.
I loved being part of something bigger than myself and thrived off of having a career and being independent.
But my health crisis and my intuition that things could be different…changed everything.
Post health crisis I went on to obtain my Yoga Teacher Certification, then my Registered Holistic Nutritionist Certification and then essential oils education all in an attempt to get answers.
Dave and I currently run, Balance Point Health. (that has since ditched the brick and mortar portion of the biz)

Life without filters (the juicy stuff)
From the outside looking in, my life would appear somewhat idyllic.
The truth is, I had another story that was woven into everything I just shared.
Growing up in a home where ‘weight issues‘ were right in front of me. [My mom struggled with her weight while working as a nurse on shifts and trying to handle 3 kids that were born 1 year apart.] I’m in no way blaming her for my food issues but the stage was set for skewed eating from day one.
By the time I entered my 20’s, I was living in a chronic state of stress, had an eating disorder, hypglyceamia, and mood issues, all driven by a life struggling with imbalanced hormones.
My moods fluctuated as much as my weight and deep down I felt lonely/different, had a perfectionist personality and was socially anxious - all anchored in a belief that I wasn’t enough.
Then…the ‘tipping point’.
My Dad was diagnosed with a serious cancer and then came my first foray into natural medicine. (with shark cartilage)
All throughout, I had many symptoms telling me that my body (hormones) were OUT. OF. BALANCE.
But I just kept at the fast pace I was moving at with the help of coffee and sugar, pushing through like I always had, to prove I was enough.
The Universe gives us signs.
They begin as a whisper but if we ignore them, they will only get louder.
At first. Fatigue, low mood, acne, gas, irregular periods, food poisoning, anxiety, dizziness upon standing and irregular periods were my life.- normal stuff I thought.
But these symptoms got louder.
I was exhausted and experiencing increasingly worrisome symptoms to the point I feared I was slowly dying - worried I had a serious illness like MS or cancer.
Hypoglycaemia, Adrenal Fatigue, Low Blood Sugar, Candida, Near Fainting Spells, Strange and scary sensations in my brain, Low Blood Pressure, Immune challenges, all took took over my life.
Mainstream health models and tests didn’t help except that they proved nothing was wrong except a few suspicious test results that couldn’t be explained.
“Well it must be stress” - they all said.
But deep down, I knew there was more to this so I was forced to look at health differently.
Looking for answers
I read every health book imaginable from traditional to alternative medicine, to gut health, hormones, yoga, and mental health (hugely connected by the way), visited alternative health practitioners and complementary therapists.
I invested time and money and it took me years to get to where I needed to be mentally and physically. If I’d had someone to tell me then what I know now…I could have gotten to where I am now sooner and with a lower financial investment.
Imbalance and associated health issues happen to a lot of women, as they struggle with the physical and hormonal shifts and the emotional ups and downs that come with child rearing, full on careers, or other major stresses. They enter a state of Metabolic Chaos.
Hormonal imbalance is rooted in physical AND emotional imbalance so taking a holistic approach is important if you strive for lasting change. And, Hormones, Immunity, Digestion, Detoxification, Energy, and the Nervous System are all connected as you can see below.
Allow me to dig deep into what I feel are the 3 aspects of a balanced life...your purpose, your health and connection.
Why work with me?
My Strengths & Certifications:
As you’ll see, I understand your frustrations. I have lived it. The bonus, my strengths are perfect when it comes to helping you find your own personal balance, blend of oils, program, career path, or resource, depending on your needs. I’ll dig deep, use my knowledge, and create a custom plan for you.
Individualization; Analytical; Learner; Intellection; Harmony (Clifton Strengths)
Human Resources Professional, Certified DiSC Coach, Franklin Covey Certified Trainer, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Classic Hath Yoga Teacher, DoTerra Leader and Educator. and Certified Franklin Covey Facilitator.

You’ll also find me on instagram teaching and sharing whether its showing you an amazing new recipe or DIY, or demonstrating to you what it looks like when you live your purpose in better balance. I’m not perfect…but I’m more balanced than I’ve been in a long time.
Just for fun: 11 things about me…
I love a good smoothie bowl.
I love dark chocolate almost more than my husband and boys...just kidding but i do love dark chocolate
I find it easiest to relax and be silly in nature
I love making things...baked goods, diys..you’ll see if you follow me on instagram
I am a homebody but love to travel - the gemini in me
If i’ve had a couple drinks (which is rare these days) it’s very likely that I’ll rope you into doing a race of some sort with me or an apple cider vinegar shot (depends on the day)
I love my dog Lucy so much...she allows me to slow down and just enjoy the ‘now’
I love self development books and you will find me listening to health podcasts if you pass me on a walk
I love being active. Hiking, yoga, running, interval training classes at my gym, whatever
Summer over winter hands down
I love taking recipes and making them healthier with little tweaks. Check some out in my blogs.

What People Are Saying
Linda helped me to make lifestyle changes slowly, beginning with the use of essential oils. I no longer suffer from migraines and have lost weight!
— Tina Z.
I had so many digestive issues to the point I lost so much weight! Through Linda’s detailed assessment, she discovered that I picked up parasites during my travels and once we addressed that, I could leave my home again without worrying!
— Jennifer B.
I love the recipes in Linda’s “Stress Less About PMS book”! The desserts are amazing and have helped me stay on track with my goals. I’ve also noticed that my anxiety is in control! What a welcome side effect!
— Sarah P.
I had the absolute pleasure of having Linda on my team for a number of years and she is truly one of the best in her field. Linda is highly creative, process focused Learning and OD leader who takes lead to drive critical initiatives that have visible impact on the organization. She has always been a sought-after coach of many throughout the organization and she has a strong, dedicated passion to ensure the programs and resources available align to support the strategies of the organization. What was always important to me was to have team members who were masters at their craft – this was Linda through and through. And as a life-long learner, she was always looking for ways to continue to advance her skill sets and in turn advance the skill sets of those across the organization. She is quite remarkable!
— Erinn J