Using Natural Tools First.
In my experience, the most successful changes come with small and simple tweaks to lifestyle. Essential oils can help you feel better so that you can tackle the bigger changes with increased vitality.
Two of the symptoms I experienced when I was OUT. OF. BALANCE. were anxiety and digestive bloating/gas.
I still remember the anxiety I would feel in specific situations. By the time i knew about oils, I had learned quite a few strategies but the essentials oils were like the final missing piece for me. At times, my anxiety was on HIGH ALERT. It would disable me at specific high pressure times to the point I couldn’t breathe or get my words out in the way I intended. This was so frustrating because I had so much to share yet felt out of control. Not to mention the embarrassing sounds that used to come from my belly - geez!
When I was offered ‘Balance’ essential oil to try, it was life changing. It calmed my nerves like nothing I’d ever experienced.
And this blend also allowed me to ski with my family and to socialize more confidently. I consider it a life changer because in the past I missed out on many things. Combine Balance with my offerings and you are transformed.
Knowing that this one blend worked so well for me made me wonder…what else could they do?
My next incredible experience was with Digest-zen (essential oil blend for digestion) and Terrazyme (digestive enzymes). This combo addressed all the gas, bloating and low HCI issues I was experiencing.
Easy Air was a life changer for my son Jake who had ‘lung issues’ almost 5 times a year when he was young. Coupled with oregano eo, we could avoid putting him on the inevitable antibiotics that seemed to be the only solution I was given. I was convinced and so I incorporated them into my practice.

I believe:
We can go to nature first to support the body’s natural healing processes - essential oils are easy to use tools that give you immediate results so that you can then take on bigger health challenges.
If you have natural tools in your home, close by, you are more likely to reach for them first. And inhaling a drop of essential oil sounds so much more appealing than taking a synthetic drug with its possible side effects.
We must advocate for our own health. ‘Allowable’ amounts of chemicals have been approved by regulatory bodies...this doesn’t mean they are good for your health.
You must dig deeper. You are the one who cares the most about your health and are the leader in your family. (if you don’t have time, I can help.)
Don’t feel like you need to know everything right away.
I will help you start slowly but powerfully. We start by identifying your top 3 health goals (for you and your loved ones). Once we have identified solutions for those and you have successfully implemented them, we can continue the learning.

The 3 Cool Things About Essential Oils
They are 100% Natural and Safe
The first cool thing about dōTERRA essential oils is that they’re 100% natural and safe. Nothing added or taken away. They’re just simply pure essential oils without side effects or addictions.
They’re safe for babies, children, adults, and the elderly. Oils are extracts from plants that have incredible health benefits. They are 50–70 times more powerful than herbs. One drop of Peppermint EO is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea. That’s potent!
If you ever get oils on a sensitive part of your body, use a carrier oil like Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO) and apply it to affected area. You can use any carrier oil like olive oil but we like to use FCO because it doesn’t have a smell and won’t leave an oily residue.
What I love about these oils is the CPTG standard (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade), which means these oils are completely pure and potent.
Pure: no foreign contaminants or fillers
Potent: each plant was grown in a part of the world where that plant grows best, resulting in the absolute best chemistry for that plant. When you have the ideal natural chemistry, the oil extracted does exactly what we want it to do for our health.

2. They can be more effective than modern medicine
What I’m going to share next may sound very ‘basic’ to you, depending on your background. I’m going to really simplify things so that this makes sense to everyone.
We all know that cells have oily cell membranes. The cell membrane protects the cell, it keeps all the good things in and all the bad things out. Now two of the things that are harmful to our cells are bacteria and viruses. Bacteria usually forms on the outside of the cell and viruses duplicate the DNA on the inside of the cell.
Let’s say you went to the doctor with a bacterial infection. Often, s/he would give you an antibiotic. And after taking the antibiotic for 7–10 days in most cases, it might clear up the infection—but it often comes with side effects…impacting the gut, hormones, and immune system.
Now if you had a virus like the cold or flu, you’ll often be directed to “Go home, drink a lot of water, rest and let it run its course.”
Why? Most modern recommendations are water-based synthetic medications – and frequently come with side effects and addictions. Water and oil don’t mix, so if the recommendation from your doctor is water-based, it will have a really hard time penetrating through that oily cell membrane and stopping the duplication of a virus.
Essential oils are different. They are oil-based, which means they can permeate the cell membrane. They can work on a cellular level without side effects or addictions, and they can combat bacteria on the outside of the cell and prevent the duplication of viruses on the inside.
That is why they are often more effective than the modern approach to health problems.
#3. They are more affordable.
If your doctor gave you a prescription for an antibiotic, there is a cost associated. When someone in my family has an ear ache, we rub a couple drops of tea tree, basil, lemon or lavender around their ear, and put them to bed. 12 hours later, the ear ache is cleared up. It usually takes 7 to 10 days when you’re using antibiotics. With this remedy it costs us about 0.64¢ and much less time.
Now whether it costs you $20 for the co-pay and prescription, or $0 because you live in a country with free medical care, essential oils are still less expensive than the gas you put in your car, the time off from work, and the energy worrying about being in a germ infested waiting room. We also haven’t taken into account the fact that antibiotics harm your gut, and that you might have to buy extra probiotics for two weeks to fix the damage.
Trust me, I am very grateful for our advanced medical system and have had to resort to emergency medicine at times, but I always try my oils as the first line of defence!
You cannot afford to NOT use natural solutions! THAT is why essential oils are more affordable than traditional medical care.
3 Ways to Use Essential Oils
You can inhale oils from your hands, use them in a diffuser, or breathe them right from the bottle.
Your olfactory nerve (inside your nose.) sends messages to the limbic part of the brain, which in turn sends messages to your entire body.
You may think it’s ridiculous that people think oils can affect the body just by smelling them, but let me explain: If you’ve ever had surgery, you will have experienced the power of inhalation when put you to sleep with a mask and asked you to inhale and count backwards from 100. By about 98, you are asleep. Inhalation is one of the fastest ways to access the brain. This happens exactly the same way with natural compounds found in essential oils in as little as 20 seconds.
The second way to use essential oils is topical.
You can actually apply oils directly to the skin. For children and people with sensitive skin, you’ll want to dilute them with Fractionated Coconut Oil. It’s just as effective; you’ll get more coverage and it will prevent the volatile compounds from evaporating way into he air.
The best place to apply oils is to the bottom of your feet – including babies – because the pores are larger here. It’s a great way to get oils into your system fast.
Or you can apply them to the location you are treating. If you have head tension, apply to the location of tension.
The thirds way to use essential oils is internally.
dōTERRA essential oils are not only safe to use internally, but they are also RECOMMENDED.
The CPTG standard means these oils are medicinal grade, and are safe to ingest, unlike most other brands. About 80% of doTERRA oils are meant to be used as dietary supplements (just read the bottle to see which ones recommend internal).
You can put them in your mouth or drink them in water. Or when using ‘hot oils’ like oregano, you should take them in a Veggie Cap.
Always remember, less is more. 1 drop is enough– remember how potent they are!

There are three ways to purchase dōTERRA essential oils.
The first way is retail. Nobody is going to buy retail. The only time you would buy oils at retail prices is if you were at a chiropractor office, a spa, or another professional setting. It’s the most expensive way to buy oils. We sell oils retail at our clinic.
The second way is wholesale. With dōTERRA, having a wholesale membership allows you to buy at 25% below the retail price.
The third way – and the only way I buy my oils – is below wholesale. This is the smartest way to purchase your oils. As you have learned about the power of essential oils and how it can change our lives, you might be thinking, ‘Wow, this is more than I imagined.’ dōTERRA wants to support you with this essential oil journey, and our goal isn’t that you have just one bottle of Tea Tree for acne or Deep Blue for pain.
Our goal is to teach you how to live a natural lifestyle so that when things come up like pain, seasonal ailments, respiratory issues, sleep issues, digestive issues or head tension instead of reaching for the medicine you can reach for natural solutions that don’t have those side effects!
dōTERRA puts kits together that are cheaper than if you bought your oils individually. This is one of the ways you can purchase below wholesale. So if you add up the cost of all the oils, the kits will always be cheaper.
All the kits include free wholesale membership, and you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips.
The standard is the Home Essentials Kit, then the Healthy Start Kit, and of course the Simple Solutions Kit is a great way to customize one. As a Nutritionist, I get people started with the Healthy Habits Kit. (you’ll feel better in a month)
The Natural Solutions Kit is my favourite kit for those ready to make immediate changes to all areas of their home. It has mostly everything you need to replace your entire medicine cabinet. You’ve got all the most important oils, a diffuser, the amazing digestive enzymes and probiotics to support your gut, the incredible immune oils in soap and sanitizer and even soft gels, and finally Life Long Vitality supplement trio. This kit saves you $250 off the wholesale price, so it’s by far the most cost-effective way to get started.
I started with the Healthy Start Kit because I didn’t realize the value quite yet. This kit gives you the top 10 oils in smaller bottles that you can use to address 80% of your health needs, cleaning your home and for your skincare. This is for people who want to shift to a healthier lifestyle but aren’t too sure of where to start. It’s got the basics…and will get you loving the most popular oils for so many things.

Choose Your Getting Started Kit
Why Do Terra?
Here’s the thing (and I’ll be completely honest with you) I was a little skeptical about the direct sales model at first. Having worked in the corporate space for my entire career, that’s all I knew. So when someone approached me and suggested I add them to my newly forming nutrition business, I politely declined.
Never would I be involved in THAT type of business.
After all, I rarely went to other home parties because I was ‘too busy’. (insert snobby judgmental tone) I disliked pressure sales of any type. So conversely, I didn’t want people to feel pressured buying anything from me! At the same time, I was feeling confined by my corporate role and the hours it demanded and started to feel like I wasn’t making a big enough difference.
So here are a few reasons that helped to shift that negative ‘belief’ I had regarding DoTerra.
The oils work. I couldn’t deny that the oils worked! Sleep, anxiety, headaches, skin issues, cleaning, beauty care...the oils were working for so many things that were coming up in my home.
They are the best on the market and fully transparent in testing. Once I started digging, I learned that the majority (80%) of oils on the market are adulterated or diluted. It’s kind of like processed foods. You take things away and then add things back but in the wrong proportion...so they don’t work. DoTerra performs over 52 varied tests on EVERY SINGLE batch of oil. Most companies don’t do this. Check out Source to You to view results. You won’t find full transparency anywhere else.
They are natural. They aligned really well with my values of choosing things that are natural, pure and sustainable. Reaching for natural approaches first is important to me.
Leadership and vision: Do Terra’s vision resonated with me. They have a huge compassion component built into their vision and they care about the environment. My favourites. Co-Impact Sourcing that is about enabling under developed communities to build businesses and create jobs, Healing Hands here and the Operation Underground that aims to abolish child sex trafficking.
I realized that people are going to buy stuff somewhere anyway. What’s wrong with supporting a small business versus a BIG business?
People will find their own solutions when none are provided. Again, I love to help people so why not help them find a natural solution first? Before they reach for the ‘things’ they were taught to use.
So fast forward to now..here I am, using oils and linking arms with anyone else who is interested in a side-gig, feeling empowered, challenged, inspired and fulfilled every day. I literally jump out of bed many days to share, educate and learn.