Top 10 Ways to Use On Guard Essential Oil
DIY Cleaning Spray
On Guard is a 'must have' therapeutic grade essential oil blend for any home. It contains a mix of sweet orange essential oil, rosemary, clove, cinnamon and eucalyptus. These essential oils work together to create a powerful and versatile infection-fighting and disinfectant blend. Each ingredient in the blend possesses antibacterial properties and immune building characteristics that when layered have a powerful impact on the immune system.In addition to its use as an illness-fighting powerhouse, Doterra On Guard can also be used in a wide variety of applications to clean and disinfect. The best part is that it is pure, clean and it comes from nature. It also happens to smell fresh and amazing.Therefore, I use this blend for everything!
This list was hard to narrow down but here are my top 10 ways to use the On Guard Essential Oil Blend.
Mix with a tbsp of water, gargle for 1 minute then swallow at the on-set of a sore throat.
Put 5 drops Oregano and 5 drops OnGuard in a capsule and take 3 times daily at the on set of cold or flu symptoms.
Put on the soles of kids feet in the morning and at night (diluted with fractionated coconut oil in a roller bottle) during cold & flu season (start in September) to support immune system.
Put several drops in a bowl of very hot water and breathe in the vapors as the oil begins to volatilize when you have lung congestion. (or put in diffuser and inhale during the night)
Put 20 drops in a spray bottle of water and vinegar. Shake and then use to clean and sanitize kitchen counters, sinks, floors, door knobs, and bathroom surfaces.
Add to your dishwasher or laundry for micro clean dishes and clothes.
Apply to bee and insect stings to neutralize the toxin and relieve the pain.
Gargle and brush daily for healthy teeth and gums and to prevent and treat gum disease.
Diffuse in your home, school, daycare or business to kill air borne pathogens, inhibit mold and build immune systems.
Mix 2-3 drops of OnGuard and 2 drops of lemon EO with 1 tsp of raw honey (Manuka if you have it) for a cold or cough or sore throat relief for kids and adults.