Top 6 Tips to Address Allergies

Do you have a love/hate relationship with the springtime? Overwhelmed with allergies?


It's easy to love spring with the sunshine, longer daylight, and the influx of green everywhere. But let's talk about that green stuff?! Sneezing, itchy eyes, nausea, congestion, headaches can be frustrating due to pollens!

Allergy symptoms are caused when our bodies release histamine in response to an allergen. According the John Hopkins medical centre, allergies are considered a disorder of the immune system and there are so many 'things' that can weaken the immune system like poor quality sleep, any kind of trauma or surgery, an underlying illness, or times of emotional and/or physical stress. I mean even getting a root canal is considered a stress to the body and can impact the immune system. So let's get that immune system working for you using these simple tips to reduce your allergies.

  1. Eat an Anti-inflammatory Diet and Alkaline System.

    Inflammation is the body's natural response to safeguard against foreign bacteria, viruses, and infection. Chronic inflammation can damage internal tissues, cause high blood pressure, swollen and stiff joints, and encourage the growth of abnormal cells. Focus on adding more veggies and fruits into your diet.

    • Try this greens drink to increase your antioxidants!

    • Add more garlic, lemons, probiotic rich foods, and bone broth into your daily diet.

    • Squeeze half a lemon into water to kick start my digestive process, support my liver in detoxing anything that was processed over the night.

    • Avoid during allergy season: Alcohol, Caffeine, Cows Dairy Chocolate, Peanuts, Sugar and Artificial sweeteners, Processed foods, Melons, Bananas, Cucumbers, Sunflower seeds, Shellfish, Bottled Citrus Juice, Echinacea, Chamomile, Wheat and Soy


2. Eat Raw, Local Honey

Add 1 tablespoon of raw honey daily to build tolerance to local pollens.


3. Increase Your Quercetin.

Many foods contain quercetin, a bioflavonoid that has been found to stabilize the release of histamine. Some foods that naturally contain quercetin are cruciferous veggies (cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts), onions, apples, and green tea. If you would rather try a supplement, visit our Naturopaths to find the right one for you.


4. Drink Stinging Nettle Tea

This tea has been found to control histamine release.


5. Use Essential oils.

Try Eucalyptus in the washer to kill anything your clothes have picked up. It will also kill any dust mites that are hiding in your clothes.

Make a mattress cleaner with baking soda and eucalyptus or tea tree to kill anything hiding in your mattresses. Ask Linda Ljucovic for her DIY recipes!

Do Terra Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint Essential oils (1 drop each) taken internally in water or in a roller bottle for easy application to sinuses. Lemon helps with lymphatic drainage, peppermint helps address congestion, and lavender helps calm the system.

Or, add these 3 oils, along with Frankincense to your diffuser.

Rub frankincense over your chest and neck before bed. Frankincense has been found to increase multiple levels of the immune system, including IgG, IgM, and interferon. In a study published by Phytotherapy Research, when mice took 1–10 milligrams of frankincense orally, it was discovered that multiple levels of their immune systems were stimulated including IgG, IgM and interferon. This means that frankincense has seriously powerful effects when it comes to supporting the immune system.


6. Supplement with Probiotics.

Visit us to find out which probiotic might be best for you. We are all different and therefore need specific approaches based on the underlying issues you may have.

Check out our Allergy YouTube Video:

Linda Ljucovic, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Oakville, 289-291-0254.


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