Using Essential Oils for Travel

essential oils for travelIt wasn’t long after I began to integrate essential oils into my repertoire of 'natural remedies' that they became my 'go to' for pretty much everything. We began to ditch the toxic chemicals, creams and over-the-counter medicines at home and oils became the main items in our complementary medicine cabinet and our emotional (+ spiritual) support kit.

As a busy family always on the go, it only made sense that the essential oils work for our travel adventures as well.  Now when we head out to the cottage, a road trip or any work or family vacation, the question isn't ‘Should we take the oils’ but rather ‘Which oils do we take?’.

I have over 70 different oils at home, so narrowing it down to my favourites was difficult.  But I think I've done it. :) The following oils will help you to stay healthy, feel energized, happy focused, rested, and healthy.  Plus you'll have the confidence of knowing you've got tools for just about anything while away.

1.Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils for a reason!  

Lavender is helpful for calming both the nervous system and skin issues.  Think frazzled nerves after a long car drive, anxiousness during a flight, overtired kids, over-excited kids, or insomnia from sleeping in a weird bed/room.  Heal sunburns, bug bites, eczema triggered by additional stress of travel or anything red and irritated.

How I use:

  • add a few drops in a diffuser and then diffuse about 30 minutes before everyone is ready to sleep
  • if travelling light, make up a roller bottle of diluted lavender oil for everyone to roll onto the bottoms of their feet for a restful sleep.
  • make into spray and spritz pillows before bedtime.
  • apply with fractionated coconut oil to burns, bug bites, acne, etc

For extreme anxiety and stress, Balance Blend is my favourite.  If your fear of heights, or 'whatever' is limited you from taking part, try this blend!

2.Frankincense is considered the King of Oils for a reason. (made it in the Bible!)

We live by the rule of 'when in doubt' use Frankincense.  It helps to relieve dry skin that is often associated with windburn or sunburn. It alleviates stress, headaches and fatigue and is a great immune support. (You can place a drop under the tongue for instant focus and support).

Frankincense also helps to discharge toxins from your liver and kidneys so is fantastic for those who drink a little more when travelling.

3.What a potent powerhouse tea-tree (malaleuca) is.  

Tea-tree soothes itchy insect bites, sores and sunburns, acts as a powerful antiseptic and anti-microbial and acts as an effective insect repellent. For scratches, bumps and cuts… bring out the tea-tree!  It's also great for taking the odor out of things.  Think musty smelling hotel rooms or the car!

You can also use tea-tree as a hand sanitizer either neat, or mixed with water in a spray bottle.

4.Peppermint essential oil for energy!

Peppermint is an excellent ‘pick-me-up’ in times of stress and when inhaled straight off a hot towel in the morning, can give you the feeling of energy and vitality we all need while travelling.  Peppermint is also helpful for headaches, respiratory support and digestion.  Think staying away during long car rides, awaking your brain in the morning when you don't have access to coffee, and adding to water to help digest heavier foods.  Add to lavender and frankincense for the perfect headache remedy.  Something that can happen if you have fighting kids to tend with.

How I use:

  • Add to spray bottle and spritz
  • Put on vent of car or in car diffuser
  • Add to water and drink
  • Dilute, inhale and the rub onto back of neck for pick me up.

5.OnGuard Blend is one of our favourite blends for immunity and prevention. 

The doTERRA OnGuard blend is a powerhouse of anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and immune-system supporting goodness.  It is being researched at John Hopkins Teaching Hospital with exciting results!

Use in a spray bottle or neat as a hand sanitiser for the plane, steering wheel, phone, or on any work surface as an anti-bacterial, use as a natural hand cleaner (when mixed with some carrier oil) while on the go.  Take internally the day before, during and after travel. (beadlets are great for this).

For additional ways to use On here.

6.Citrus oil is an all time favourite for most of us.

Citrus is great for the liver, cleansing, anti-oxidants and for improving hydration after a long flight.  Wild orange, grapefruit, lemongrass, tangerine, lime or lemon make an excellent room deodorizer and are uplifting!

How I use:

    • Add to tea tree to cleanse odours
    • Drop into palm of hand, inhale and then rub on back of neck or into pulse points
  • Add this to your water for anti-oxidant support and for energy and digestion

7.Digest Zen is a must have for the gut!

Both my boys get nausea in the car on occasion.  And we all have issues when we eat too much dairy!  This blend is fantastic for settling an anxious tummy, addressing a slow or fast moving bowel, feeling of gastric burning, food poisoning, or addressing motion sickness.  I like to bring this one straight up so we can use it topically and internally.

How I use:

  • Put one drop into water and consume before a meal
  • Drop onto belly and rub in
  • Inhale when feeling nausea (or rub into belly)

8. Deep Blue Rub is our pain oil.

When your feet are tired from walking too much, your back aches from carrying that bag or backpack, or your kids are experiencing growing pains.  This is your go to!   Rub on for instant relieve.

9. Oregano.  Sometimes you get sick.  Your natural anti-biotic. (anti-viral, bacterial)

You will only need a few drops of this one but it's important to have...just in case.  If sick, roll onto bottoms of feet every few hours for kids.  Adults...take internally in a veggie cap with on guard every few hours for a couple days.  Or, use roller for a few days during and after illness.

You'll also want to fill a 10 ml roller bottle with fractionated coconut oil so that you can dilute your oils!  Dilution is important for a few reasons.  It helps the body absorb the oils more effectively, without having the oils evaporate into the air. They are volatile compounds after all.  And, it helps to protect sensitive and/or young skin from the potent and powerful oils made by doTerra.

How do you get these amazing essential oils?  Contact Linda Ljucovic to set up a consult.  Or if you feel confident in knowing what you need, place your order here and Linda will contact you after to set up your free consult.

Read More About Essential Oils Here

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