Ask Yourself 3 Things Before You Begin Your Health Journey
I saw a viral video the other day where a woman was laughing hysterically as she read out her goals for 2020. They included make more money. She lost her job in March. Lose weight. She put on the COVID-19-Cushion that plagues many of us who comforted ourselves with food. Next on her list. Spend more time with family and friends. Drink less. At this point she could barely talk from laughing and crying. To say she was overwhelmed would be an understatement.
Most of us who made similar goals for this year have had the same results. One thing 2020 has given us is the realization that our health can often be something we take for granted, and that good health should be our top priority.
The good news, is that even if you’re suffering from less than ideal health, extra COVID-19 padding or stress, hormonal imbalances or other health issues, it is NEVER too late to start making changes to improve it.
Is it too late?
A close family member in her eighties, was starting to suffer signs of dementia and wasn’t getting any support from her healthcare provider at the time. She asked for my input and was willing to try a natural approach to see if it would make a difference. And guess what… it has!
Just by avoiding certain foods and triggers and creating some new health habits with a Naturopath and Nutritionist she is improving. It’s NEVER too late to shift the way you look at health! The ONE thing that mattered most was her drive to fix the problem and to be open to new ways at looking at health.
Your body has an incredible ability to heal itself if you give it the right support. While genetics may contribute to which ailments you’re predisposed to; it isn’t your destiny. Someone in your family may not be able to draw a straight line with a ruler, while you are blessed with artistic talent–same gene pool, different outcome. If someone in your family has a disease it doesn’t mean you will get it too. Different choices often result in new paths or outcomes.
2. Do You Really Want It?
If you’re ready to improve your health, avoid your “genetic fate” or just achieve the balance you are lacking and truly want to feel good again, then I’m here to help. You don’t need to tackle anything at full speed and/or by yourself. The one thing I need from you is that you are ready. Right now.
Embarking on a journey to health and balance takes work but even more than that, it takes the right mindset.
Do you believe that:
You can do it. That you are capable of achieving optimal health and all it’s facets: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.
You are worth it/deserve it- Even if others try to tell you you’re not. If you don’t believe you’re worth the investment in your health neither will others. Value yourself and others will follow.
You’re willing to invest in yourself-put in time, work, money and energy into improving your health, the same money and energy you’ve been putting into derailing your health (coffee house lattes, alcohol, and drive-thru, anyone?) You didn’t get unhealthy overnight, undoing habits can take time.
You need support from someone who is qualified (not your spouse, best friend, or google, sorry) in order to stick to a plan or figure out which plan is best for you
You know it will take time. For every year you experienced ‘the imbalance’ is roughly a month of healing time. This is just a guideline but know there is no such thing as a ‘quick fix’ when it comes to lasting change.
If you answered yes then you’re ready to get started!
And if you didn’t…don’t worry. I’ll be here when you’re ready. Below, I’ve listed some things that could be holding you back. Often once you know what’s holding you back, you can change it.
3. Do You Love/Know Yourself Enough to Avoid the Excuse Trap?
I think I invented the excuses trap. The many reasons why I didn’t need to make changes, why it could wait one more day…but you know what happened to me? My health got so bad that I ran out of excuses, and fear of losing the one thing in life that truly matters spurred me into action.
What is your excuse? Do any of the following sound familiar?
I’ll lose weight and get healthy after Christmas.
Or on Monday, or after a special event, there will always be a reason NOT to do something that is potentially uncomfortable even if it is positive. Find your reason why and then just decide you want more.
I’ll make an investment in myself when I have more money.
While financial concerns can be an issue when investing in your health, it doesn’t have to be. Canadians have been trained to take what’s FREE but free is not always the best answer. I offer tailored plans to suit any budget. You might not be able to pay for an entire program. That’s okay. I will meet you where you are. Just be sure this isn’t another excuse! In my experience we will find a way to pay for rewards such as a coffee from Starbucks or a bottle of wine. Think of this as the ultimate reward. Improved health, balanced hormones, sustainable weight loss, and increased energy and well-being. Returning to that place where you’re not just existing, but truly living.
No one will understand/support me.
When I first decided to adopt a plant-based lifestyle in my 20’s to feel better, I was met with resistance. My dad–a European who grew up on meat and potatoes– thought I was going to die. My mom was working night shifts as a nurse while raising three kids, thought I was being selfish and difficult. Thankfully, improving my health was more important to me then any resistance I received. I stuck with it and it, and I’m glad I did.
I can’t right now. I have to take care of my kids, my parents, my spouse, my friend, the dog- I’ll take care of myself later.
Women often put themselves last. In many cases it is ingrained in us to think of others first, to be self less. But guess what? Being self-less means without self. Think about that. If you don’t take care of you, you are neglecting the one person the people in your life depend on. You.
I’ve tried everything. Nothing works.
Did you try before you were ready? Did you give it enough time? Did your spouse bring home cake and you thought forget it, I give up, because you didn’t have the energy to fight resistance? Did one of the excuses derail you, or do you not know why you’ve failed?
Knowing why you’ve failed it the only way to succeed.
I’m beyond help, there’s no way I can meet my goal now.
Healing is a lifelong process. There is no start and end date. Any step you make to get control of your health is a step in the right direction. Even if it’s just a baby step to begin with.
Here are some other suggestions to truly discover what is stopping you from being your happiest, healthiest, self.
Write down any limiting beliefs you have
Limiting beliefs are usually fundamental beliefs we hold that aren’t necessarily true, but become the truth because we believe them. Usually them stem from childhood and more often than not they hold us back until we’re aware of them. Your limiting beliefs may include beliefs such as everyone else matters more than you, or there will never be enough money to go around so you shouldn’t spend it on yourself. (Money beliefs from childhood are very common). At the end of the day, we put money into what we prioritize. I also held this belief (about not having enough money) and I wasn’t prioritizing my health for many years. When I shifted my mindset into how fortunate I was to live in a country that offers opportunities to create wealth, and how I wouldn’t be able to create wealth if I wasn’t healthy, it changed everything.
Investigate your relationship with yourself and others
If you self-sabotage, or allow others to sabotage your efforts, it might be worth investigating why. If you need help to figure it out, consider enlisting a psychologist or professional help. When you create a healthy relationship with yourself and others, you truly have the power to change.
Ask yourself if you have a fear of commitment.
Being afraid to commit, no longer means not wanting to settle down. We are in decision fatigue, and there is so much information overload we can get overwhelmed by it fear of making the wrong decision. What if you commit to something and something better comes along? Sometimes we can commit to everyone and everything but ourselves.
Ask yourself if you have a fear of failure…or success.
Failing sucks, yes. But the worst kind of failure is never starting something in the first place. You didn’t come out of the womb walking and reading. Those are things you had to persist at, to learn. On the other hand, success, the idea that you could truly have the body of your dreams, your energy back, that can also be scary. Perhaps you are afraid you will reach your goal and still be unhappy. That the thing you were blaming for your unhappiness isn’t actually behind it. (That’s why I want you to answer yes to the beliefs before undertaking change). Or you worry their partner will not adjust to you making changes. It’s okay to change your life story for the better. It doesn’t matter if no one else in your life is ready to make the same change. This is about you.
If you’re still torn and need help to get past the blocks preventing you from taking action, consider the following.
Write down the 5 things that are keeping you from investing in yourself and your health.
Look at your list and one by one, change it. Pretend the person you love most in the world (which should be you) is asking you to change it. For example, if one thing on your list is bad habits you can’t break (such as daily drive-thru visits) and another is that you can’t afford to pay for a health program what would you tell yourself?
Calm your mind, and ask for guidance.
Take three deep breaths (focus on a longer exhalation) and ask for guidance with this process. God, Buddha, Spirit, Nature…whoever or whatever higher power you draw upon - ask for help. Then clear your mind and focus on your breath. Did anything come to mind? Write it down. Inspiration? Follow it. Concerns? Write down two steps you can take today to overcome any obstacles blocking your path to success.
I’m here to help. It is tough to make changes. Making changes without knowing how, or white knuckling your way through without support is the quickest way to fail. And though your friends and family mean well they are getting bombarded with all the information out there, same as you, and aren’t trained health professionals. Which brings me to my next point. When we wanted advice in the “old days” we would seek it out from a trained professional or buy a book about that topic. Now you go to our old friend Google and receive information on what you were asking about as well as other information you weren’t even looking for in the first place. Your search leads you down a rabbit hole through post after post from well meaning bloggers until you are so confused you are paralyzed into inaction. Why does someone do keto and another person have a high carb diet and both are shouting their praises from the rooftops? Which should you try? What works for one person will not necessarily work for everyone. We are all different, which is why you don’t need opinions based on what worked for other people, you need a custom plan made just for you.
Okay so if you’re ready…and you’ve done the belief work, Start Now by picking one program to begin with.. If seeing a Naturopath is more your thing, call the office at 289-291-0254 for more info.
No more excuses. You’ve got this. Baby steps. One small change can make a big difference and when that change becomes easy, you can implement another. Slow and steady wins the race, but I can help you get there a little faster. Linda