Linda Ljucovic

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Top 5 Supplements Every Woman Should Take

  1. Magnesium

    Magnesium is a wonderful calming mineral. It softens muscles (including our heart muscle) and calms our nervous system. Yet it is one of the most common mineral deficiencies, affecting up to 20% of the general population.   This is likely dues to the fact that Doctors don’t test it and blood tests are not always reliable. It’s even more common in women because birth control pill deplete magnesium levels and when stressed, you burn through it faster. And if that’s not enough, eating processed foods depletes our bodies of minerals further. And ladies. We need magnesium to help pull calcium into our bones! Generally we get enough calcium…it’s magnesium that we need to pay more attention to.

    Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. Magnesium is required for energy production, oxidative phosphorylation, and glycolysis.

    In women, some common reasons to use magnesium include:

    • Being on the pill

    • Prolonged stress and adrenal fatigue

    • Promoting restful sleep

    • Depression and anxiety

    • PMS

    • Painful period cramps

    • Migraines

    • Muscle cramps and recovery or restless legs

    • Athletic performance

    • Pregnancy & pre-eclampsia

4. Probiotics

In recent years, research on probiotics has exploded with connections between good gut bacteria and everything from mental health to weight management. And there is emerging research suggesting that the specific strain matters in certain conditions. Know that our gut is challenged with perceived stress, low-level inflammation, the birth control pill, antibiotic use, GMO foods, poor dietary choices, chlorinated water, and the list goes on. Our gut needs support. Be careful of creative marketing out there - you’ll see on everything from granola bars to yogurt. ‘Added probiotics’ are not always the best source of probiotics.

For general women’s wellness, a multi-strain probiotic can help. If you are a doTerra lover, their PB assist is an excellent daily probiotic. (be sure to get this with your Vitamin Kit because you’ll save money) If not, Genestra Travel is great. If you have something you are actively treating, I would highly recommend working with a professional to get on the right strain.

  • Maintain and enhance the function of the gut to promote adequate digestion and reduce symptoms like bloating

  • Protect against infections like candida and bacterial vaginosis

  • Promote healthy weight management

  • Support mental health and cognitive function

  • Improve performance in athletes

  • Support pregnancy and reduce allergies in newborn

  • Help support healthy stress management

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